Archives for posts with tag: twitter

I’ve been seeing a lot of articles and videos (four today!) about the “millenials” that basically justify why my generation is so…useless? Lost? Burdensome?  *This post is more spur of the moment than anything else, so I warn you in advance this may not be my best Lesson.* Basically, we aren’t to blame.  The baby boomers left us in a position that makes it impossible to grow into successful adults.  I mean, they caused the recession.  They depleted our earth’s resources.  They increased the cost of a college education exponentially.  They gave us rewards for simply existing consequently eradicating our need for competition.  They they they they they!

Lady Lessson #20: Shut Up and Take Responsibility for Yourself!

Millenials: Stop passing the buck.  That is one of the biggest problems with my generation is that we don’t take responsibility for our actions and we don’t really look at ourselves.  We are so quick to blame others for our problems.  Think about any arguments you’ve had recently.  How often do you speak in terms of “I did this” vs “you did this to me” or “they caused it”? I am guilty as hell of this.  But I’ve suffered the consequences of this behavior and what it ultimately lead to was a deluded sense of righteousness and entitlement.  I’ve spent a majority of my life getting myself off the hook instead of learning from my mistakes and now, look where I am.  I’m 24, broke and confused as all get out.

I am a millenial.  I put myself in the position that I am in.  Yes, the economy sucks, a big fat sloppy one, but it’s my own fault for eating out 3 meals a day, or spending all of my tips on scarves or alcohol, or being too caught up scrolling through my newsfeed to leave early enough to find free parking.  Yes, the unemployment rate is sky high, but it’s my fault I was too uppity to apply to certain jobs.  Here’s the thing, when I reached my breaking point, I got hired at two different restaurants in the same week.  I needed money, I needed a job and when I worked for it, I got it.  It’s not my dream job, it’s not my career, but you know what?  I, like many other millenials, chose a career that lends itself to homelessness (actor in LA! What what!) unless you get to the top.  I’m not there, but I still have to pay rent.  Newsflash, I’m not above having a serving job or two to get it done.

Now, I have an appreciation for my employment because every shift I work is another step away from being a financial burden on my family.  Believe me, I thought I was above it before, I was uppity, let’s be honest, but I’ve been humbled and it’s time to work.  Millenials, it is time to work.  Start somewhere.  Not being able to find your dream job is not a free pass to fuck around with social media on your expensive electronics.

Life doesn’t seem very uplifting or encouraging right now, I get that.  I’ve spent the better part of my 20s secretly wishing I’d end up in a coma because the reality of the future looked so bleak.  I get it.  But I’m sick of making excuses for myself because it is only holding me back from the amazing life I have the potential to live.  And I’m sick of hearing us complaining.  And I’m sick of people justifying why we suck.  It’s like we’re being given another undeserved trophy for “Best Wasted Youth.”  Stop feeding into it!  We are so much better than we allow ourselves to be.

So shut up! And do something.


The following video has got me in a tizzy.  I came across it while helplessly scrolling through my newsfeed.  Take a second to watch it.

The Innovation of Loneliness from Shimi Cohen on Vimeo:,,

For those of you that didn’t watch it, to sum it up, all of this “social media” is actually destroying our ability to communicate.  We are so focused on creating this ideal image of us, this profile, that we sacrifice genuine connection and are in fact, quite lonely.

Lady Lesson #11: Disconnect to Make a Connection

Now I am GUILTY of using social media.  Wake up 5 AM.  What’s going on Facebook? Notification from Instagram!  Someone I don’t know likes my photo!  “The music is so good @republicofpie tonight.  Making studying so much easier! #lovinglife #goodmusic #mmmilovechai”.  Tweet.

While I do spend some time looking at other people’s status updates, photos and tweets, I spend most of my time wondering why more people haven’t liked my  status updates, photos and tweets.  I’ve realized

1) I crave the validation of people I don’t usually take the time to actually connect with and

2) I don’t value the opinion of my true friends enough to be satisfied if they’re the only ones who like my status updates.  It’s sad and I don’t want to be that person.

Before I gave in to Instagram and Twitter, I rarely took photos and posted them.  I lived my experiences.  Now I find myself seeing something and thinking “this is hilarious for Instagram, I should let the world know how awesome the beach is!”  Everyone knows how awesome the beach is.  I’m ashamed to admit I went to the beach to clear my head and I spent 15 or so minutes, trying to get the perfect #selfie.  You know, the kind that doesn’t look like you’re trying to take a #selfie.  Maybe I’m using Instagram incorrectly, but that’s the compulsion I felt.  Must let world know how I’m doing so I can generate likes and followers.

And hashtags! Oh man!  Just a way to get random people looking at our posts.  How often do you search hashtags vs post hashtags hoping someone searches for yours?  Sometimes they are funny, but those are usually ones that no one else has (ie: #dontwannaeatthiscupcakebutiateitanyway #whoops)

That’s not life! I don’t go out trying to generate followers.  I try to make genuine connections with people. Those are so much better than my online profile where I can present “Ideal Jade”.  What’s ideal is when I mess up and am human and my speech sometimes disintegrates into schmargenfargen.  That’s the beauty of genuine interaction, human imperfections.  The beauty in friendship is sharing your humanity, not just the pictures of your amazing life and super witty captions.  Sometimes, we aren’t perfect and we definitely aren’t funny all the time (I mean, I am but that’s a different story…kidding!) but if we would stop spending so much time trying to be, we might be able to get back to a more human place.

I’m not saying get rid of social media.  I wouldn’t do so well myself with that.  But look at your habits.  Are you trying to share your life with your friends or are you seeking out a perception of popularity?  It might be a little of both.  I am saying, call your friends.  Skype with someone.  Go get coffee.  Meet someone new.  Go out and communicate!  Just make sure you turn your phone off.  You can tweet about it when you get home.

#Jadey Lady