Archives for the month of: December, 2013

This past weekend was my LAVersary.  December 28th marked the three year mark of me moving to LA.  I had every intention of writing on that day but I’m glad I got held up because now I see how close my LAVersary is to New Year’s Eve.  It’s pretty close.  So of course, I’m thinking about time and how much I’ve accomplished and how much time I have left in life to accomplish more things.  Time makes me weary if I sit and think about it so I’ve accepted time for what it is.  If I could give any advice to the young whipper snappers out there who are about to enter this surreal state of post graduate “bliss”, it is this:

Lady Lesson # 30: Time Passes QUICK.  Deal With It.  Make The Most Of It.

I’m pretty sure just yesterday was January 2012 and the day before that was sometime in 2011.  So much has happened in the last three years and I remember it all as if it just happened.  On the other hand, there are even more events I have forgotten about, yet if I sit there and remember them, it will blow my mind.  Yes it’ll make sense that three years have gone by, but it will still blow my mind.  

Once I graduated college and moved out here to be a “grown up”, time started passing what seemed to be ten times quicker than before.  Now I realize that it felt that way because I got so caught up in the day to day.  Between going to work, cleaning my apartment, feeding myself and being too tired to do anything else that didn’t involve the words “dirty martini” I didn’t have time to do much else besides the basics.  So before I knew it, poof, another week gone.  Just like that, a month passed.  And wouldn’t you know? The next year was quickly approaching.  

I realize I spent more time worrying about how much time has gone by instead of truly, fully appreciating what happened.  I mean in three years I have:
-moved 4 times
-held 7 different jobs including Shot Girl ::shudder:: and Princess Jasmine
-lost a few friends
-gained a few friends
-Attended 5 weddings
-Participated in 3 weddings (including Maid of Honor what what!)


*two of the brides have already had babies.  One is pregnant with her second. Now if you wanna feel old…

-got my first hair cut
-started doing yoga
-discovered the Megabus to Vegas is only 50 bucks round trip
-watched Zoe go from
Image to Image 
Now if that don’t make you feel ancient…

-attended PlayHouse West for 9 months and gained an acting family
-ended two relationships
-got two new family tattoos

-filmed two commercials
-performed in 3 shows, one of which I choreographed for, 2 of which I sang in

-got offered a part in a show with the most inspirational group of women
-replaced the transmission on my car
-filled 2.5 journals
-lost 15 pounds
(move in day)
(a few weeks ago with King of the World, Seth)

-lost my father
-lost myself
-gained a new appreciation for my amazingly strong family

-gained clarity and optimism

Time goes by quickly.  

So take some time to appreciate the present moment.  It is all you’ll have.  Don’t get caught up in the mundane, the day to day. It will eat you alive and spit you out as a bewildered 70 year old.  Live in the moment, for the moment and you will always have plenty of time.

Happy New Year readers.  Love.

-Jadey Lady

Do you journal?  Do you do it in a sketchbook?  No?  Perhaps you should.  It really gives you so much freedom.  Can’t put what you’re feeling into words?  It’s okay!  Sketchbook Journal understands that sometimes you just feel colors and shapes.

The other day, I was showing a friend of mine the joys of sketchbook journaling, so I let her browse through my journal from last year.  Now, I’m sitting there, terrified she’s going to think I’m this crazy, super negative person.  But strangely enough, the opposite happened.  She managed to pick up on only the uplifting things.  The quotes that inspired me.  The love notes written by my ex and my friends.  The positive encouragement I gave myself when I was mad at myself.  Then she pointed out that I had written out my goals a few times.  We went through them and realized that I have actually achieved a lot more than I thought.  Needless to say, I’ve been celebrating ever since!

Lady Lesson #29: Look At How Far You’ve Come! 

Looking back at this journal that basically chronicled the whole year of 2012 was an eye opening experience.  I remember, in detail, writing most of my entries.  I could tell you what was going on, how I was feeling, where I was sitting.   And let me tell you, I had my bursts of positivity and optimism, but I really only tended to write when I was discontent or creating alter-egos to cope with my discontent.  So I worried that this journal would paint a picture of an unbalanced, negative maniac.

But it took someone else to point out to me that I actually had a lot of positive energy bubbling beneath the surface.  I would start to beat myself up and mid rant, I’d switch and write all the little things I was happy about (going along with last night’s Jack Daniel’s infused entry).  I wrote “I’m happy the sun is shining” at least 10 random times throughout the journal.  I had many rants, but what stood out (I mean literally stood out because I would place them on pages by themselves, or write them in a bold color) were the positive nuggets of wisdom.  All of the negativity faded into the background and now, my journal has become a guidebook for my life.  I can easily see what I learned from my experiences and I can see how I laid the foundation for who I want to become.  I planted the seeds in 2012 and over a year later, after countless mistakes (many repeated a few times), I am starting to see the fruits of my vision.

For example, this was written February 25th, 2012:Image
 haven’t looked at this until the other day but I have almost all of this!  
-Confidence and intelligence? Yes
-A puppy? Not technically mine, but I got to be baby Jack the pitbull’s mama
-Write something? I actually have a few scripts started
-New car? Well, no…but Sheldon’s got a new transmission.  That’s basically the same right?
-Dancing career? I did a dance show this summer where I got to choreograph and now I’m working on a show with Flamenco 
-Experience? Uh…f*ck yeah.  Jesus.  You can take some of it back.
-Physical Strength and Flexibility? I can do one and a half pull-ups!  And the splits!
-Fearlessness when singing? When I’m by myself, I’m at 95% fearlessness, on stage 67%.  Much higher than the 0% of yesteryear.
-New wardrobe and hair? Check and check
-To reach my full potential? I’m getting there
-A new approach to eating? Yeah!  I eat what I want and it makes me happy.  I’ll just do some squats or something.  Half a pull up. 
-Makeup skills? Ho buddy yes!  
-Willpower and focus? My new friends.  We drift apart sometimes, but we’re closer than ever
-Acting career? Well, I’m in a show I adore and I’ve got another show lined up in the new year.  I’ve got some good opportunities and projects ahead.  So yeah, I’m thinking yes.
-Grown up looking apartment? Yes!  Thank you Lauren and Melissa.  Once I get my grownup income I can pay you back, I promise!
-Stable income/finances? Everything is starting to come together! I’m a few months away from stable
-Positive outlook? You bet your sweet a**!
-Love? Abundant amounts.  Especially for myself.

I couldn’t appreciate how far I’ve come because I have been too caught up in how far I have left to go.  But look!  I’ve actually achieved a lot

So before you beat yourself up that you aren’t famous and rich yet, look at where you started and pat yourself on the back for getting as far as you have.  

Until next time!

-Jadey Lady

It’s almost 7PM on Tuesday and I am sitting in my room, staring at the pictures and words of encouragement on my ever growing Inspiration Wall, listening to 60’s Folk Radio Pandora.  Stairway to Heaven is at its peak and my Jack Daniels is kicking in.  I have been so inspired today.  I accomplished everything on my To Do list, I even got a nap in.  I’ve found myself sitting at my desk, more energized than I have felt in the past few weeks, more creatively available than ever.  I took charge of this day! And now, I’m ready to appreciate every moment I’ve had today.  

I am thankful for the people who inspire me and encourage me. I am thankful for Pandora for always knowing what I want to listen to.  I am thankful for incense and candles and warm oils that make my room smell like apple pie!  I am thankful for my space heater, without which, I would probably stay in bed all day.  I am thankful for Jack Daniels (in moderation).  I am thankful for Celestial Seasonings Lemon Zinger tea! I am thankful for so many things and, while they are small, they all have contributed to the wonderful, wonderful day I’ve had getting to know myself.  Feeling content and happy in my space?  Right now? The greatest feeling in the world.

What’s a beautiful life if you don’t appreciate it?

Lady Lesson #28: Be Appreciative!

Big or small, it don’t matter.  There are so many things to be thankful for, if you take the time to look.


-Jadey Lady

PS-I’m very thankful for you, loyal Lady Lessons reader.  There are many blogs for you to choose.  Thank you for choosing mine.